Monday, March 11, 2013

Working with Spirits

Working with spirits is part of the pagan and witchcraft path. Whether by choice or not. It is common that when an individual begins exploring the magickal paths they become sensitive to spiritual energy. And spirits begin to notice them in return. Sky Cradle promotes working with spirits in a positive manner. There are many practitioners who work with totems, angels, the passed, and more that have found that these spirits have contributed to positive and healing experiences. Like any practice, working with spirits can be personal, as with people,  relationships with them take time and effort. Some tips for beginning..

Make sure you understand what you want to communicate with and why.

Be Patient and Open
Keep yourself open to communicating with the types of spirits you are hoping for. Always start a morning by saying, "I am open to hearing the messages from my totems/angels/faeries/etc."

Like Attracts Like
Arrange a little space for the spitits you are hoping to attract. Set out offerings, crystals, images, and colors that will attract their attention and make them feel welcome.

Stay Positive
Make sure to attract spirits that want only good for you. Never let anything that causes mischief or harm stay in your home. simply doing a home cleansing or the LBRP  will take care of them.

Here is looking to a brighter future with our spiritual brothers.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Praises to Deity

Praises to deity can be a way to truly express your devotion, love, and loyalty. Thy can be as simple as a prayer of gratitude, a work created for the deity, or a long term established action such as lighting a candle or incense everyday for 6 months in their honor. In Sky Cradle, we do not focus on a particular pantheon or deity structure. Your gods are your gods. So in however you can show love and appreciation, connect with the Universe and bring about the positive force within.

Things others have done...

-dieting in deity's name
-lighting a lamp every night
-writing a prayer in a prayer book each day
-creating a poem or painting for a deity
-setting out an offering every day
-showering everyday
-throwing a feast once every year
-dedicate a shrine to deity
-establish a place or organization in their honor
-craft jewelry/wands/staffs in their honor

and more....

Friday, February 15, 2013

Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

Take a steel dagger in the right hand (or use the index finger).

Face EAST. Perform the Cabbalistic Cross as follows:
 Imagine, at the first word intoned, a brilliant white light descend from above.
 Touch the forehead and vibrate ATEH (thou art) Imagine that same brilliant white light form a 6 inch diameter sphere just above the crown of your head.

 Touch the middle of the solar plexus and vibrate MALKUTH (Kingdom)
Imagine a shaft of light descending from the Crown Sphere and descend to the feet where another 6 inch sphere expands just under your feet.

Touch the right shoulder and vibrate VE-GEVURAH (and Power) Imagine a 6 inch sphere of brilliant white light appear just next to the right shoulder.

 Touch the left shoulder and vibrate VE-GEDULAH (and Glory) Imagine a shaft of light emerge from the right Sphere and cross your breast to expand and form another Sphere at your left shoulder.

 Clasp the hands before you and vibrate LE-OLAHM (for ever) At this point imagine clearly the cross of light as it extends through your body.

 Hands as before, with the dagger between fingers, point up, vibrate AMEN
 Note: Any image or figure traced in the air with the finger, dagger or other magical instrument, is to be imagined in brilliant scintillating white Light. In more advanced working, other colors may be used. Make sure that all images drawn are correct, as brilliant as possible, and complete.

The beginning and end of a drawn Pentagram must come completely together.

 Draw, in the air facing EAST, a banishing Earth Pentagram as shown in the diagram, and bringing the point of the dagger to the center of the Pentagram, vibrate the Name Y H V H (pronounced YAHD HEY VAU HEY). Imagine that your voice carries forward to the LIMITS of the UNIVERSE.

 Without moving the dagger in any other direction, trace a semicircle before you as you turn toward the SOUTH. Again trace the Pentagram, bring the dagger to the center of it, and vibrate the Name ADNI, (pronounced AH-DOH-NEYE).

Again, trace the semicircle with the dagger to the WEST, trace the Penta- gram, bringing the dagger to the center, and vibrate the Name AHIH, (pronounced EH-YEH).

Then, turn towards the NORTH, while tracing the circle, trace the Pentagram, bring the point of the dagger to the center and vibrate the Name AGLA, (pronounced either AH-GAH-LAH or ATAH GIBOR LE-OLAHM ADONAI).

  Return to the EAST, completing tracing the circle of brilliant white Light, bringing the dagger point to the center of the EAST Pentagram. Extend the arms in the form of a cross, say: BEFORE ME (then vibrate) RAPHAEL (pronounced RAH-PHYE-EHL) Imagine a scintillating brilliant white Archangel in front of you and facing you. In his/her right hand is a magical Sword held with the point upright. The background is a pale, pure, bright yellow. Cherubs can be imagined near the Archangel. Imagine a gentle, refreshing breeze, cleansing and purifying the air.
 Then, say: BEHIND ME (then vibrate) GABRIEL (pronounced GAH-BREE-EHL) Imagine a scintillating brilliant white Archangel behind you and facing you, holding in their right hand an exquisite silver Chalice. He/she is standing on a Cerulean-blue ocean and dolphins or mermaids are nearby. Imagine feeling the mist and cool spray of the ocean breeze.
 Then, say: AT MY RIGHT HAND (then vibrate) MICHAEL (pronounced MEE-CHYE-EHL) Imagine a scintillating brilliant white Archangel at your right, facing you, and holding in their right hand a transparent scarlet red Wand with a scintillate pure diamond top. Waves of scarlet, red-orange and orange fire in the background.  Imagine you feel the heat and power emanating from the SOUTH.
 Then, say: AT MY LEFT HAND (then vibrate) AURIEL (pronounced AWE-REE-EHL) Imagine a scintillating brilliant white Archangel at your left, facing you, and holding between their hands a Disk with a scintillating white Pentagram in the center. The ground is russet-brown, the leaves of the trees are olive-green, there are black shadows from the trees in a number of places, and the light is citrine (light yellow-green.) Feel the solidity of the Earth, and imagine the odor of the leaves and muskiness of the ground.

 Now, say:
 Imagine the complete circle of brilliant white light at whose quadrants are the 4 Pentagrams. At the center is the Cabbalistic Cross of Light extended through one's body. Repeat the Cabbalistic cross, and, according to some occultists, stamp your right foot at the conclusion of the complete operation. The Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram is performed preliminary to any magical operation and precedes the Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram.

from outside source.

The Lesser Banishing ritual of the Pentagram is a fundamental ritual that should atleast be done once. It can very very powerful.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Drinking in the Sun

To Clear your Spiritual Body 

 The power of the sun is enormous and its ability to cleanse is very important. Here is a way to help cleanse your aura.
 Buy a few oranges and wash them in cold water. Set them out to dry in the sun. Let the fruits absorb the sun's energy for an hour, two at most. Peel one orange and set it aside on a plate, it should be the ball of orange innards. Juice the other or blend it into a smoothie. As you eat your orange fruit and drink your drink visualize yourself bursting with the sun's light. The light breaks up and erases the negative energy around you.

Brown Sugar Healing Spell

To Help Heal Another or Self

  • Brown Sugar
  • Jar with lid
  • Picture of sick person

As you sit and prepare for the spell, visualize the person who is in need of healing. Hold them in your mind as you take their picture in your hands. Place the picture to the side and scoop out some brown sugar. It should fill the bottle half way. If you have other ground healing herbs (cinnamon or lavender work well), drop a little bit of those in. Take the picture of the person, a piece of paper with their name can substitute, and place it in the jar so it sits in the sugar. Cap the jar tight and visualize the energy brewing within the jar. Begin shaking the jar up and down say,

"Sweetness bind your blood and bone,
Sweetness to your strength
Sweetness build you up and up,
Sweetness dull your pain."

Say this three times as you shake. When you are done, go outside. Take the cap off the jar and pull out the picture, or name, of the person. Pour the contents of the jar out on the earth. Keep the picture for yourself or give it to the person.

Best done on a waxing moon.

Release, Relinquish, Refuse

Move Past Emotional Pain

 Tie a red ribbon around your pinkie finger. Tie it into a bow with no tail. Take a few deep breathes, remembering your relationship. The good things and the bad. Reaffirm that you want to and are ready to move past the old relationship. When you are ready say,

"I release, relinquish, and refuse."

Cut the red ribbon off your finger. Let it drop into the trash can and forget about it.

Positively Positive!

To Keep Energies up and Healthy

Get yourself 7 small yellow candles. They can be scented or not. Get a lemon and cut it in half. Squirt the juice from each half into a cup or small bowl. Place your candle on a table. Now start singing your favorite pick-me-up song. Walking on sunshine is always popular if you can't think of one.

Once you're feeling good pick up the first candle and dab your finger in the lemon juice. Keep humming your happy song and rub the candle with the juice. Do this to all the candles as you keep up your tune. When you are done splash a bit of lemon juice outside your back door and the rest outside your front door.

Starting today light one candle per month. Whenever you need that extra boost of positive force!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Past Life Regression Meditation

Past Life Regression

Close your eyes and take a few relaxed breathes. Try to keep still as you go through the meditation. Take in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Keep deep breathing with long, slow exhales. Feel it, hear it, and observe how this affects your body. As you breathe, mentally tell your body that it can relax.  Keep your mind only on your breathing. Focus on the sound, the feeling of your lungs expanding and shrinking, and simply breathe. When your body has relaxed move into the following visualization.

   Visualize yourself standing on a plateau between two staircases.  The staircase to your right ascends upward to where you cannot see. The staircase on your left descends below to a place you cannot see. Turn to your left and start down the stairs. Take a few breathes and with each step down, bring yourself deeper into trance. As you come to the bottom of the staircase you are in deep trance. Before you spread an immense library, it is well lit but not overly so. You notice that on the spine of each book is a name and date. On the end of each book case is a large printed name. You wander the library until you find your name on the end of a large bookshelf. You stand in front of it and see the books on the shelf. If a certain name, color, or date of the book attracts your attention pull it down and open it up.

  This is where the experiences differ. When you look into the pages of the book, feel yourself drawn into it and go through your past life. When you are finished with this lifetime, close it. If you would like to look through other books, feel free, if not walk back over to the stairs. To come out of this meditation walk back up the stairs. With each step up you come out of the trance a bit more. When you reach the plateau take a deep breath and imagine your body in front of you. Reach out and reconnect with your body. Refocus on your breath for a few seconds before opening your eyes. Record what you saw, the names and dates, everything you can remember.  

Animal Attributes Meditation

Animal Attributes Meditation

Close your eyes and take a few relaxed breathes. Try to keep still as you go through the meditation. Take in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Keep deep breathing with long, slow exhales. Feel it, hear it, and observe how this affects your body. As you breathe, mentally tell your body that it can relax.  Keep your mind only on your breathing. Focus on the sound, the feeling of your lungs expanding and shrinking, and simply breathe. When your body has relaxed move into the following visualization.

  Again, imagine yourself in a circle of stones in a field at night. The field outside of the circle is overgrown with wildflowers and tall grass. Each stone has a lantern sitting upon it, glowing softly. In the center of the circle is a small bon fire, lighting the area with the circle. Walk around the circle and touch each stone, knowing you are protected within the circle. When you have touched each stone, return to the center and within your heart let it be known you wish to connect with one of your animal totems.  Take a deep breath and await the animal. It should step into the circle without any hesitation or difficulty.  When the totem has appeared, ask it politely if it would gift its attributes to you for a short time. If the animal says yes, continue, is not thank it and come out of meditation.

   If the animal has said yes to your request step closer to it and offer your hand to it, like a hand shake. When the animal returns the offer and you touch it relax and begin the visualization. Feel the animal’s body becoming transparent like water or mist and move within you. See the mist of the animal moving into your hand and through your body, filling you up. The mist moves into your heart chakra and compresses into the shape of the animal. Feel the difference, observe how you are feeling and thinking. When you are ready to leave meditation, thank the animal and extend your hand again. This time, visualize the mist moving out of your body, down your arm, and out through your hand.  As the mist reforms into the animal thank it once more and allow it to leave. Relax and imagine your body. Focus on your breathing and reconnect to your body. Wait a couple seconds before opening your eyes.

Animal Totem Meditation

Animal Totem Meditation

  Close your eyes and take a few relaxed breathes. Try to keep still as you go through the meditation. Take in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Keep deep breathing with long, slow exhales. Feel it, hear it, and observe how this affects your body. As you breathe, mentally tell your body that it can relax.  Keep your mind only on your breathing. Focus on the sound, the feeling of your lungs expanding and shrinking, and simply breathe. When your body has relaxed move into the following visualization.

  In your mind, visualize yourself in the middle of a field of tall grass. The field is circled by tall trees and to one side is a small lake. In the distance are mountains and the crystal blue sky. Take a deep breath and in your mind let it be known that you would like to meet your animal totem. This is the hard part. You must wait until an animal decides to make itself known to you. When it does appear, show respect and ask to speak with it. If it allows you to speak with it, ask it:

-“Why are you in my life?”

- “Are you with me for a period of time?”
-“What do you bring into my life?”
-“May I call upon you for help in my life?”

   Feel free to continue your conversation for as long as you wish. When you are ready to depart, thank the animal for the audience and take a deep breath. Visualize your body and focus on your breathing. After a few seconds of reconnecting with your body, open your eyes.  Make sure to record your conversation, the animal you encountered, and all the details. 

Grounding and Centering Meditation

Grounding and Centering Meditation

Before you begin: Visualize yourself surrounded by white light. Tell yourself and know that no one that wishes you harm can penetrate that light.


Close your eyes and take a few relaxed breathes. Try to keep still as you go through the meditation. Take in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Keep deep breathing with long, slow exhales. Feel it, hear it, and observe how this affects your body. As you breathe, mentally tell your body that it can relax.  Keep your mind only on your breathing. Focus on the sound, the feeling of your lungs expanding and shrinking, and simply breathe. When your body has relaxed move into the following visualization.

 Visualize yourself standing in a field. Take in a few deep breathes and imagine your body filled with a colorful smoke. As you take a deep breath in see the smoke drifting into the center of your torso, right above your belly button. Every time you breathe in imagine the smoke condensing more and more into a ball. As the ball becomes solid see it glow and sparkle with energy.  Once it is glowing brightly and completely solid move on.

    In your mind visualize that ball of energy breaking down into streams of light moving down. The streams of light move down your torso, past your hips, and down your thighs. Feel the light moving over your knees along your shins and over your feet.  Imagine the light pooling right into the bottoms of your feet. Take a deep, relaxed breathe and visualize that light moving into the earth beneath your feet like roots, but it never loses contact with your feet. The light within your feet moves upward to branch through your entire body. The end image will appear as a tree of light under you and within you.

  When you are ready to come out of this state imagine the branches out light within you slowly retracting into the soles of your feet. When all of the branches have been retracted visualize the light moving from your feet deeper into the earth. Let it detach from you and move into the world. Take a few relaxed breathes and open your eyes. 

Dedication Ritual

Dedication of Self and Shrine/Altar

-white candle (and holder)
-plate with food offering
-cup of water or liquid offering
-symbol of god(s) you are honoring in Sky Cradle

Dedicating self and altar/shrine to the healing service of the Universe. Honoring personal gods as expressions of this intention.

On your altar set out the white candle (in holder), plate with food offering, cup of water or liquid offering, and symbols of the god(s) you are choosing to honor. 

Stand before your altar and light your candle. Set the lighter to the side and take a moment to reflect on your personal goals and the gods you have chosen to honor. When ready, think once more on the decision to perform a dedication. It is a choice and an act of service, a pledge. When you wish to continue, bring the energy to attention. Say..

"Spirits of the forest and field,
To my call draw near.
In this day my faith I wield,
All bear witness."

Take a moment to hold your arms out. Visualize yourself within the blue-black realm of the Universe. Below you is the earth that ground you. Above you are the stars and endless space. it sparkles around you. The sun shines to your right and fills you with power. The moon reflects the light to your left, circulating that power through you.

"To my right moves the sun,
Golden power of time and space. 
To my left moves the moon,
Silver sphere of change and pace.
Behind me stretches my ancestor's path,
Before me lies the road I walk. So I go forward!
Blessed be."

These are the gifts of the Universe. Let the power of this image fill your heart. When you are ready to continue, say..

"I call to (deities), to whom I honor in my heart of hearts.
Shining powers that dance into my fate and life,
Night and day I move in your care,
And now I step into the world as your child.
Today I do, myself, declare,
I am a child of (deity/deities)."

If you like, say personal prayers to deity and thank them. Turn to your shrine/altar you are dedicating. Hold your hands out towards it. 

"From today on, day to day, may I be known as a child of (deity/deities)...
May you sit upon the throne of this altar. 
May you shine in my life and be honored.
Blessed be!"

Take a deep breath. Ground and center. Release your visualization and relax. Fix up your new shrine/altar, giving the symbols of your god(s) prime placement. Set out the food and liquid offering out in front of these symbols. 

Initiation Rite

Initiation into Sky Cradle

With Sky Cradle being an open tradition and self practice, this initiation can be done alone or with a group.

-3 unlit candles (and holders)
-cup of water

Place the three candles on the altar in their fire-proof holders. Set the water in front of them and the lighter within reach.

To initiate into Sky Cradle tradition, promoting healing, and marking our commitment to this goal.

Stand before the altar and clear your mind. Take a deep breath to center yourself. Visualize yourself standing beneath the starry sky. The stars seem innumerable just as the life on this Earth is countless, nearly unimaginable. Each stars reflects a spark of life that glitters and glows upon the earth. Imagine the ground around you scattered with twinkling lights that reflect the stars above you. The sky reflects the Earth and the Earth reflects the sky. We are but one star that shares our light with all others. This is the outlook of Sky Cradle. Take another deep breath and relax. When ready, continue.

"Today I begin my journey into healing,
Today i take the steps upon a new path,
I embrace the light of originality, the life of insight, and love of discovery."

Dab your finger in the water and place a droplet to your belly, your heart, and your forehead.

"I seal my path with the elixir of healing."

Take the lighter in your hands. Continue.

"Seal of Truth upon my lips..."

Light the first candle. Reflecting upon what truth means for you.

"May I know truth in every word given and received.
Seal of Nature upon my form..."

Light second candle. Reflecting on the power of nature and the earth.

"May I move in the cycles of the world.
Seal of Knowledge upon my mind..."

Light third candle. Reflect upon the awesome power of the mind and the way we connect to all things.

"May I ever seek wisdom."

Set the lighter down and look upon the altar. These are the qualities of healing that stir our passions within this path. Take a moment to reflect. Say personal prayers to deity or guides if you wish. When you are ready, let your mind explore the possibilities before you. Let the excitement, peace, and contentment sit in your heart. When you are ready to move on, continue.

"Compassionate Mystery,
Awakening Revelation,

As is forseen and unforseen,
I do rise into fulfillment!"

Blow out your candles. Carry those lights within your heart. Blessing!

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