Monday, March 11, 2013

Working with Spirits

Working with spirits is part of the pagan and witchcraft path. Whether by choice or not. It is common that when an individual begins exploring the magickal paths they become sensitive to spiritual energy. And spirits begin to notice them in return. Sky Cradle promotes working with spirits in a positive manner. There are many practitioners who work with totems, angels, the passed, and more that have found that these spirits have contributed to positive and healing experiences. Like any practice, working with spirits can be personal, as with people,  relationships with them take time and effort. Some tips for beginning..

Make sure you understand what you want to communicate with and why.

Be Patient and Open
Keep yourself open to communicating with the types of spirits you are hoping for. Always start a morning by saying, "I am open to hearing the messages from my totems/angels/faeries/etc."

Like Attracts Like
Arrange a little space for the spitits you are hoping to attract. Set out offerings, crystals, images, and colors that will attract their attention and make them feel welcome.

Stay Positive
Make sure to attract spirits that want only good for you. Never let anything that causes mischief or harm stay in your home. simply doing a home cleansing or the LBRP  will take care of them.

Here is looking to a brighter future with our spiritual brothers.
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